Insolvency and Bankruptcy Lawyers Gold Coast.
Our Experience
1.25 Hours
Someone retains the services of Marino Law every 1.25 hours
150+ Years
Over 150 years combined experience
15+ Years
Achieving successful outcomes for clients for over 15 years
14,000+ Clients
Over 14,000 valued clients
Personal Insolvency Gold Coast
Advice During Bankruptcy
Personal Insolvency Agreements (Part X)
Annulment of Bankruptcy
Personal Pre Insolvency Advice
Debt Agreement (Part IX)
Corporate Insolvency Gold Coast
ATO Disputes
Directors Penalty Notice
Members Voluntary Winding Up
Scheme of Company Arrangement
Corporate Pre Insolvency Advice
Insolvent Trading
Provisional Liquidation
Voluntary Administration
Deed of Company Arrangement
Receivers & Managers
Insolvency Litigation
Corporate Insolvency Litigation
Our team of insolvency litigation solicitors have a wealth of experience in all areas of insolvency related litigation. Some of the areas we practice in include: acting for a creditor seeking an order to wind up a company; acting for a company to set aside a creditors statutory demand…
Personal Insolvency Litigation
Why Choose Us
Multi-award winning, highly qualified and experienced team of legal professionals.
Recognised as leaders in our specialised areas of practice of business and personal law.
Practical solutions, strategic legal advice and a track record of success.
Access premium legal services at Marino Law’s cost effective rates.
Personal & Business
Marino Law can handle all of your personal and business law requirements.
Easily accessed with easy parking, find Marino Law on the highway at Mermaid Beach.