Marino Law | Gold Coast Law Firm

News and latest insights.

New modern Trusts Bill introduced in Queensland

New modern Trusts Bill introduced in Queensland

  The Trusts Bill 2024 was introduced during a recent sitting of the Queensland Parliament on 21 May 2024. The ...
Marino Law braves the cold for eighth year in a row to raise awareness for homeless

Marino Law braves the cold for eighth year in a row to raise awareness for homeless

The Marino Law team braved the cold on Thursday night for the eighth year in a row in an effort to raise awareness ...
Marino Law Welcomes New Partner

Marino Law Welcomes New Partner

Marino Law is excited to announce the promotion of Marius Eden to Partner after leading the Family Law team for ...
Major Family Law Act amendments effective from 6 May 2024

Major Family Law Act amendments effective from 6 May 2024

  If you have a parenting matter currently before the Court, or are about to institute proceedings for parenting ...
Proposed Changes to Defamation Law

Proposed Changes to Defamation Law

On December 2022, all nine attorneys-general across the country, agreed in principle to new reforms to the ...
ATO Collection Steps Increasing: Time to Seek Specialist Legal Advice

ATO Collection Steps Increasing: Time to Seek Specialist Legal Advice

Time to Seek Specialist Legal Advice
Small Business Restructuring: A New Regime

Small Business Restructuring: A New Regime

With effect from 1 January 2021 small business restructuring (SBR) was introduced by the Australian Government as ...
Marino Law Celebrates Outstanding QLS Accreditation Achievement

Marino Law Celebrates Outstanding QLS Accreditation Achievement

In a resounding achievement for Gold Coast-based law firm Marino Law Partner, Mark Steele, has been awarded the prestigious Queensland Law Society Accredited Specialist in Commercial Litigation.
Unravelling a $100M Mortgagee Ponzi Scheme: Protecting Your Home from Alleged Fraud Involving AMS Ivanhoe Lawyers

Unravelling a $100M Mortgagee Ponzi Scheme: Protecting Your Home from Alleged Fraud Involving AMS Ivanhoe Lawyers

It has been alleged that following the receipt of funds, persons of AMS Ivanhoe Lawyers executed mortgages and registered them on the titles of properties without the knowledge or consent of the registered owners.
Is Your Business Next on the ATO’s Hit List?

Is Your Business Next on the ATO’s Hit List?

The Australian Taxation Office is increasing its collection activities of outstanding tax debts following the COVID-19 pandemic. What can you do if this affects your business?
Marino Law Partners recalibrate in Queenstown

Marino Law Partners recalibrate in Queenstown

The Marino Law partners took time out recently to plan and strategise for the new financial year, with a trip to ...
Queensland unit owners fear body corporate law reform could force them from homes in property hotspots

Queensland unit owners fear body corporate law reform could force them from homes in property hotspots

Draft legislation expected to be introduced to the Queensland parliament within months will allow body corporate ...
Marino Law Braves the Cold to Raise Awareness for Homelessness on the Gold Coast

Marino Law Braves the Cold to Raise Awareness for Homelessness on the Gold Coast

The Marino Law team braved the cold on Thursday night. "It means a lot to us and our team that we can give back to the community, so one night experiencing what so many Gold Coasters experience every night of the week was the least we could do."
Marino Law Wins Landmark Fraud Case

Marino Law Wins Landmark Fraud Case

The decision in Issa v Owens & Ors [2023] QSC 004 was handed down by Crowley J on Friday 24 February 2023. ...
The Wolf of Instagram

The Wolf of Instagram

The recent decision in Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Scholz (No 2) [2022] FCA 1542 (“Scholz”) ...
Marino Law Welcomes New Partners

Marino Law Welcomes New Partners

Mark Steele and Andrew Taylor Marino Law is excited to announce the promotion of two of its long-standing ...
Dealing with Defamatory Online Reviews

Dealing with Defamatory Online Reviews

It has long been accepted that one of the primary means to attract customers is through positive online reviews, ...
Two Minutes with Andrew Taylor – Special Counsel

Two Minutes with Andrew Taylor – Special Counsel

Marino Law is pleased to introduce you to Andrew Taylor, who is Special Counsel at Marino Law, heading up the ...
Skilled Migration and the Hospitality Industry – How Migration Changes Are Helping Local Businesses Retain Staff in a Post-Pandemic Australia

Skilled Migration and the Hospitality Industry – How Migration Changes Are Helping Local Businesses Retain Staff in a Post-Pandemic Australia

It is undeniable that the hospitality industry has historically, and continues to, rely on foreign nationals to ...
Rights of Occupancy and Life Estates – the Hidden Pitfalls

Rights of Occupancy and Life Estates – the Hidden Pitfalls

The differences and effects of a right of occupancy granted under a Will versus a life estate, are topics that our ...
High Court finds Google search results do not amount to publication of defamatory material

High Court finds Google search results do not amount to publication of defamatory material

In the decision of Google LLC v Defteros [2022] HCA 27 (17 August 2022) (“Defteros”) handed down on 17 August ...
Refusal to complete contract due to increase material and supply costs amounts to a repudiation of a building contract

Refusal to complete contract due to increase material and supply costs amounts to a repudiation of a building contract

It is now common knowledge that the building industry is Australia suffering due to the increase in material and ...
Is the presumption of advancement still good law?

Is the presumption of advancement still good law?

The complex and long-standing equitable doctrines of a presumption of a resulting trust and the “presumption” of ...
Migration Agents -V- Immigration Lawyers, Know the difference

Migration Agents -V- Immigration Lawyers, Know the difference

Whilst there may be a number of suitably qualified migration agents authorised to practice in Australia, there are several reasons why a solicitor may be more beneficial to engage in the long-term.
07 5526 0157